An expression whose meanings cannot be inferred from the meanings of the words that make it up.
Phrase whose parts are fixed in a certain order, even if the phrase could be changed without harming the literal meaning.
Examples for "fixed phrase"
Examples for "fixed phrase"
1The filmy look and the fixed expression of them horrified me.
2There was a determined, fixed expression on the pale lips that frightened me.
3Anna Carroll, quite pale, with an odd, fixed expression, stood near her brother.
4The first shows him, evidently in pain, staring before him with a fixed expression.
5His heavy-lidded eyes had the fixed expression of a statue's.
1There is no formal moral, obtruding itself in set phrase.
2In set phrase, and as one who performs a duty frigidly pleasant, he congratulated her on her rumored union.
3In Spanish, it is a set phrase, less dramatic than it sounds when translated literally, but he soon looked pretty silly.
4Each begins with the set phrase "Hello, my name is X and I am an addictive eater" to which everyone replies "Hello X".
5But Asako only knew a few set phrases of her native tongue.
6They know all the set phrases belonging to special services and open-sir meetings.
7He spoke in set phrases, as if he had rehearsed the sentences many times.
8One cannot use any set phrases about such a monument.
9The technique employs a linear least squares fit that maps training set phrases to SNOMED concepts.
10Thou shalt have a hundred such set phrases, and five hundred to the boot of them.
11Over and over she conned the set phrases she was going to say when finally he came.
12I'm an enemy of the set phrases.
13There was no sparring for an opening, no dignified parade of set phrases, leading up to the main point.
14Hurriedly he turned over the pages to "Ammunition" and read down the set phrases and their code equivalents.
15As yet our intercourse has been limited to a few formal visits, and a few set phrases mingled with pantomime.
16By early 2019, May's habit of sticking to set phrases rather than shifting position to appease her critics was increasingly enraging lawmakers.
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